Journal Article — From Blocks to Bridges — by Arie Kupferwasser


The intention of this article is to present a personal example of transformation over a period of time through the conscious processing of unconscious blockage; and to illustrate, through personal example as well, how one may concretize transformative experience into a practical form with which others can engage.

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The intention of this article is to present a personal example of transformation over a period of time through the conscious processing of unconscious blockage; and to illustrate, through personal example as well, how one may concretize transformative experience into a practical form with which others can engage. The therapeutic workshop presented in the last section is intended neither as a clinical case study of group process through the use of art materials, nor as a verbatim documentation of the proceedings and participants described therein. All descriptive elements are solely based upon my own memory of events and upon the personal impact they have had on me, rather than upon documentation, and are therefore necessarily an approximation of actual details consigned to another time and place.

Recommended Citation

Kupferwasser, Arie. 2005/2006. “From Blocks to Bridges.” Pp. 211-226 in Student Scholarships of Learning (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume IV, Issues 1&2, 2005/2006). Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

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