Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies—Manifest and Latent


This Winter 2011 (IX, 1) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, entitled “Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies—Manifest and Latent,” includes nine, theoretically engaging graduate student papers: six from a course in Applied Sociological Theory (Soc. 605) taken during the Fall 2010 semester at UMass Boston, a paper on the philosophy of the self and architecture from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and two master’s theses in psychology from Bangor University, UK. These papers from diverse ‘disciplinary’ origins or locations insightfully contribute, in both manifest and latent ways, to the application and enrichment of the Millsian sociological imagination. Comparative and integrative readings of these papers also reveal, in turn, the extent to which liberating sociological theorizing and practice amid critical applications of the sociological imagination require awakening to and moving beyond the dissociative disorder and hypnosis of rigid disciplinarity.

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Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies — Manifest and Latent

Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge

Volume IX • Issue 1 • Winter 2011

Journal Editor:
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, UMass Boston


This Winter 2011 (IX, 1) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, entitled “Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies—Manifest and Latent,” includes nine, theoretically engaging graduate student papers: six from a course in Applied Sociological Theory (Soc. 605) taken during the Fall 2010 semester at UMass Boston, a paper on the philosophy of the self and architecture from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and two master’s theses in psychology from Bangor University, UK. The papers explore sociological imaginations of personal and public issues such as: fear of crime and insecurity; marriage and divorce; growing up a third culture kid; myths of success and the life plan; growing up with Attention Deficit Disorder; present (in contrast to absent) fatherhood; architectural history and practice as shaped by self agency as well as social context; “pathological” versus “normal” experiences of dissociation and hypnosis; and mind-body interactions in psychogenic pain. These papers from diverse ‘disciplinary’ origins or locations insightfully contribute, in both manifest and latent ways, to the application and enrichment of the Millsian sociological imagination. Comparative and integrative readings of these papers also reveal, in turn, the extent to which liberating sociological theorizing and practice amid critical applications of the sociological imagination require awakening to and moving beyond the dissociative disorder and hypnosis of rigid disciplinarity. Contributors include: Alison Michelle Ireland, Julianne M. Siegfriedt, K. R., Linda M. Lazcano, Ellen Maher, Edmund J. Melia, Durukan Kuzu, Shahram Rafieian, Sima Atarodi, Steven Hosier, and Mohammad H. Tamdgidi (also as journal editor-in-chief). Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge is a publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics). For more information about OKCIR and other issues in its journal’s Edited Collection as well as Monograph and Translation series visit OKCIR’s homepage.

The various editions of Graduate Theorizations: Imaginative Applied Sociologies—Manifest and Latent are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).


vii—Editor’s Note: Beyond the Dissociative Disorder and Hypnosis of Rigid Disciplinarity
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, University of Massachusetts Boston

1—Five Doors, Three Cameras, and A Dead Bolt: How Fear of Crime Is Filling Our Prisons and Consuming Personal Liberty
Alison Michelle Ireland, University of Massachusetts Boston

13—Congratulating Conscious Choice: Exploring Society and the Self through Marriage and Divorce
Julianne M. Siegfriedt, University of Massachusetts Boston

29—Growing Up A Third Culture Kid: A Sociological Self-Exploration
K. R., University of Massachusetts Boston

43—Myth of the Life Plan: A Search for Happiness
Linda M. Lazcano, University of Massachusetts Boston

55—Drawing Attention to A Public Deficit: Sociological Self-Reflections on Growing up with ADD
Ellen Maher, University of Massachusetts Boston

69—The Present Father: Applying Sociological Theory from A Father’s Standpoint
Edmund J. Melia, University of Massachusetts Boston

81—Heidegger and Sartre: Phenomenological Conceptions of the “Self” and the Ontology of Architecture
Durukan Kuzu, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

89—Dissociative Experiences in Health and Disease
Shahram Rafieian and Steven Hosier, Bangor University, UK

111—Trauma in the Mind and Pain in the Body: Mind-Body Interactions in Psychogenic Pain
Sima Atarodi and Steven Hosier, Bangor University, UK

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