Journal Article — Defying the Sweatshop, Sociologically Speaking — by Steve Sacco


Sweatshops … why do these horrid working conditions exist and who keeps contracting them to make things?

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Sweatshops can produce anything from toys to designer jeans to computer chips, anything made in a factory—and the term has even been used to apply to the conditions under which those who pick coffee beans for companies like Starbucks, or tomatoes for companies like Taco Bell, endure in the hot sun for far too many hours, for far too little pay. In Mexico, factories with these kinds of appalling working conditions are called Machiladoras. But why do these horrid working conditions exist and who keeps contracting them to make things?

Recommended Citation

Sacco, Steve. 2002. “Defying the Sweatshop, Sociologically Speaking.” Pp. 27-36 in Student Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume I, Issue 2, 2002). Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

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