Journal Article — Promoting Nursing Workforce Diversity on an Urban Campus — by Linda G. Dumas, Theodore Trevens, and Pamela Katz Ressler


The Nursing Scholars Program at the University of Massachusetts Boston’s (UMass) College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CNHS) promotes enrollment, retention, and post-graduation success for minority and economically disadvantaged nursing students. This article is intended to provide an overview of our methods and practices, how we incorporated student feedback into our model, and our unique approach to outsourcing evaluation (singled out by HRSA as a particular strength of our grant proposal), as well as our recommendations to others considering a similar model.

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The Nursing Scholars Program at the University of Massachusetts Boston’s (UMass) College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CNHS) promotes enrollment, retention, and post-graduation success for minority and economically disadvantaged nursing students. As discussed below, this is a federally funded HRSA Workforce Diversity grant. The program consists of many activities: peer group meetings, community-based cultural competency trainings, leadership education, program advisors, a community space, laptop computers, ESL classes, tutors, and scholarships or stipends for eligible students. This article is intended to provide an overview of our methods and practices, how we incorporated student feedback into our model, and our unique approach to outsourcing evaluation (singled out by HRSA as a particular strength of our grant proposal), as well as our recommendations to others considering a similar model.

Recommended Citation

Dumas, Linda G., Theodore Trevens, and Pamela Katz Ressler. 2008. “Promoting Nursing Workforce Diversity on an Urban Campus.” Pp. 53-60 in Teaching Transformations 2008 (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume VI, Issue 1, 2008.) Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

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