Journal Article — The Lost and Found Warehouse — by Shaari Neretin
This is a brief fictional exploration of what happens over time to lost, stolen, forgotten, forfeited, and mis/displaced experiences, both internal (affective) and external (actual events). In this tale, I imagine a place–“The Lost and Found Warehouse”–where experiences are stored in relative security but almost certain obscurity.
This is a brief fictional exploration of what happens over time to lost, stolen, forgotten, forfeited, and mis/displaced experiences, both internal (affective) and external (actual events). In this tale, I imagine a place–“The Lost and Found Warehouse”–where experiences are stored in relative security but almost certain obscurity. A.G. Green, Middle Manager, oversees the Warehouse and makes efforts to keep its contents organized and available to the general public in order that they might someday retrieve that which they have lost. I did not consciously write this story with Mahmoud Darwish or the Palestinian Diaspora in mind. A dear friend, a Palestinian sister, read it and because it resonated for her, she asked that I submit it for review for this special 2009 issue of Human Architecture on Mahmoud Darwish. As it turns out, this serendipitous occurrence is in keeping with Darwish’s philosophy on writing and reading. In an interview in BOMB Magazine, Darwish stated, “My happiest times are when the public reads and interprets an aspect of my poem that was not clear to me. The life of the poet is conditioned by the reader.” Indeed. May your reading continue to condition the lives of the poet within us all.
Recommended Citation
Neretin, Shaari. 2009. “The Lost and Found Warehouse.” Pp. 91-98 in “If I touch the Depth of Your Heart … ” : The Human Promise of Poetry in Memories of Mahmoud Darwish (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume VII, Special Issue, 2009.) Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).
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