Journal Article — The Overdose of Shame: A Sociological and Historical Self-Exploration — by Haing Kao


In this paper, I have explored shame in the midst of different social orders that have intersected and as a result, “overdosed” the amount of shame experienced.

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In this paper, I have explored shame in the midst of different social orders that have intersected and as a result, “overdosed” the amount of shame experienced. Different types of shames are instituted in these social orders for different reasons. I’ve examined the causation of shame from different sources and moments in which they are collaborative or conflicting. The result of shame is documented, most particularly with that of familial social order and ideals. A close look is taken into race and class, as well as historical events, as a source and reinforcement of shame. I argue that shame is a means of internal and external conflict, but also positive if administered properly by others and the self.

Recommended Citation

Kao, Haing. 2004/2005. “The Overdose of Shame: A Sociological and Historical Self-Exploration.” Pp. 49-58 in Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Course Topic as well as Pedagogical Strategy (Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Volume III, Issues 1&2,  2004/2005). Belmont, MA: Okcir Press (an imprint of Ahead Publishing House).

The various editions of Sociology of Self-Knowledge: Course Topic as well as Pedagogical Strategy can be ordered from the Okcir Store and are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).

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