Sociological Imaginations from the Classroom Plus A Symposium on the Sociology of Science Perspectives on the Malfunctions of Science and Peer Reviewing


This Spring 2008 (VI, 2) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge includes two symposium papers by Klaus Fischer and Lutz Bornmann who shed significant light on why the taken-for-granted structures of science and peer reviewing have been and need to be problematized in favor of more liberatory scientific and peer reviewing practices more conducive to advancing the sociological imagination. The student and faculty papers included make serious efforts at developing their theoretically informed sociological imagination of gender, race, ethnicity, learning, pedagogy, adolescence, healing, and work.

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Sociological Imaginations from the Classroom: Plus A Symposium on the Sociology of Science Perspectives on the Malfunctions of Science and Peer Reviewing

Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge

Volume VI • Issue 2 • Spring 2008

Journal Editor:
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, UMass Boston

Issue Co-Editor:
Anna Beckwith, UMass Boston


This Spring 2008 (VI, 2) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge includes two symposium papers by Klaus Fischer and Lutz Bornmann who shed significant light on why the taken-for-granted structures of science and peer reviewing have been and need to be problematized in favor of more liberatory scientific and peer reviewing practices more conducive to advancing the sociological imagination. The student papers included (by Jacquelyn Knoblock, Henry Mubiru, David Couras, Dima Khurin, Kathleen O’Brien, Nicole Jones, Nicole [pen name], Eric Reed, Joel Bartlett, Stacey Melchin, Laura Zuzevich, Michelle Tanney, Lora Aurise, and Brian Ahl) make serious efforts at developing their theoretically informed sociological imagination of gender, race, ethnicity, learning, adolescence and work. The volume also includes papers by faculty (Satoshi Ikeda, Karen Gagne, Leila Farsakh) who self-reflectively explore their own life and pedagogical strategies for the cultivation of sociological imaginations regardless of the disciplinary field in which they do research and teach. Two joint student-faculty papers and essays (Khau & Pithouse, and Mason, Powers, & Schaefer) also imaginatively and innovatively explore their own or what seem at first to be “strangers’” lives in order to develop a more empathetic and pedagogically healing sociological imaginations for their authors and subjects. The journal editor Mohammad H. Tamdgidi’s call in his note for sociological re-imaginations of science and peer reviewing draws on the relevance of both the symposium and other student and faculty papers in the volume to one another in terms of fostering in theory and practice liberating peer reviewing strategies in academic publishing. Anna Beckwith was a guest co-editor of this journal issue. Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge is a publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics). For more information about OKCIR and other issues in its journal’s Edited Collection as well as Monograph and Translation series visit OKCIR’s homepage.

The various editions of Sociological Imaginations from the Classroom: Plus A Symposium on the Sociology of Science Perspectives on the Malfunctions of Science and Peer Reviewing are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).


ix—Editors’ Note: Toward Sociological Re-Imaginations of Science & Peer Reviewing
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, University of Massachusetts Boston


1—Science and Its Malfunctions
Klaus Fischer, Universität Trier, Germany

23—Scientific Peer Review: An Analysis of the Peer Review Process from the Perspective of Sociology of Science Theories
Lutz Bornmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland


39—Studying Ourselves as Scholar-Teachers in the Age of HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa
Mathabo Khau, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa & Kathleen Pithouse, McGill University, Canada

49—Grappling with Global-Personal and Victim-Culprit Tensions: Reflections on Teaching Globalization Courses
Satoshi Ikeda, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada

59—“I Arrived Late to This Book”: Teaching Sociology with Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust, the ‘Novel’
Karen M. Gagne, University of Wisconsin at Platteville

73—“it’s just a dream, just a dream”: The WWII Japanese-American Internment in the U.S. in a Sociological Imagination Class Exercise
Thomas J. Mason, Kathleen M. Powers & Emmett Schaefer, University of Massachusetts Boston


79—Exiles and Home
Leila Farsakh, University of Massachusetts Boston

91—Gender and Violence: A Reflective Sociology of How Gender Ideologies and Practices Contribute to Gender Based Violence
Jacquelyn Knoblock, University of Massachusetts Boston

103—The Snail’s Pace of Racial Progress in America: Sociological Insights from a Participant Observer
Henry Mubiru, University of Massachusetts Boston

115—No Longer Adding to the Problem: Changing Society’s Raciallized Structure from Within
David Couras, University of Massachusetts Boston

127—Money Whitens But Doesn’t Erase: A Reflective Sociology of Racism from the Middle of the American “Melting Pot”
Dima Kurin, University of Massachusetts Boston


137—Beyond “Simply Understanding”: Sociologically Reimagining and Reconstructing the Meaning of My Education
Kathleen R. O’Brien, University of Massachusetts Boston

147—4.0: Self-Doubt, the Fear of Failure, and the Power of Symbols
Nicole Jones, University of Massachusetts Boston

157—The Body/Mind Split in Pursuit of Beauty: Understanding Eating Disorders Through Sociological Writing
Nicole, University of Massachusetts Boston

169—Choosing My Major and Career: A Sociological Inquiry
Jacquelyn Knoblock, University of Massachusetts Boston

179—A Futile Struggle?: Power and Conformity in High School and the Society at Large
Eric Reed, University of Massachusetts Boston

189—What Do I Want to Be?: A Sociological Exploration in Choosing a Career
Joel Bartlett, University of Massachusetts Boston


197—A Lifetime of Labor: A Sociological Imagination of Work as Life
Stacey Melchin, University of Massachusetts Boston

207—Finding My Work Utopia: Examining My Work Experiences and Position in Society
Laura Zuzevich, University of Massachusetts Boston

219—“Patching” My Life: Sociological Lessons for a Joyful Work
Michelle Tanney, University of Massachusetts Boston

229—Life is Change: “My Adolescent State of Mind”
Lora Aurise, University of Massachusetts Boston

239—Sociological Reflections on My Work Experience
Brian Ahl, University of Massachusetts Boston

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