Student Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions


This Fall 2002 (I, 2) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge include student papers from coursework completed at SUNY-Oneonta, as well as a paper from a retiring faculty at SUNY-Oneonta (Dr. Donald A. Nielsen) whose exploration of Karl Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge inspired the title of the journal issue in terms of how the students awareness of the way various ideologies (and utopias) have shaped their lives are intimately dependent upon critically adopting a spiritually self-reflective and socially reconstructive orientation toward their own lives as part of the social realities they study.

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Student Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions

Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge

Volume I • Issue 2 • Fall 2002

Journal Editor:
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, UMass Boston


This Fall 2002 (I, 2) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge include student papers from coursework completed at SUNY-Oneonta, as well as a paper from a retiring faculty at SUNY-Oneonta (Dr. Donald A. Nielsen) whose exploration of Karl Mannheim’s sociology of knowledge inspired the title of the journal issue in terms of how the students awareness of the way various ideologies (and utopias) have shaped their lives are intimately dependent upon critically adopting a spiritually self-reflective and socially reconstructive orientation toward their own lives as part of the social realities they study. Topics are: “Editor’s Note: Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions,” “From Anti-man to Anti-patriarchy,” “Conspicuous Conflict,” “Repairing the Soul: Matching Inner with Outer Beauty,” “Defying the Sweatshop, Sociologically Speaking,” “Struggles and Predicaments of Low-Income Families and Children,” “Honor Thy Father and Mother,” “My Translucent Father,” “Mom and Dad’s Waltz: A Dance of Love and Sacrifice,” “Festus Ngaruka: Selected Poems & Commentary,” “Religion, Utopia, and Ideology: Reflections on the Problems of Spiritual Renaissance and Social Reconstruction in the Sociology of Karl Mannheim,” and “The Dialectics of World-History: A Guiding Thread.” Contributors include: Emily Margulies, L. M. Damian, Kristy Canfield, Steve Sacco, Jennifer VanFleet, Nancy Chapin, Katie J. Dubaj, Rena Dangerfield, Festus Ngaruka, Donald A. Nielsen, and Mohammad H. Tamdgidi (also as journal editor-in-chief).Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge is a publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics). For more information about OKCIR and other issues in its journal’s Edited Collection as well as Monograph and Translation series visit OKCIR’s homepage.

The various editions of this issue of Student Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).


v—“Editor’s Note: Spiritual Renaissances & Social Reconstructions”
M.H. (Behrooz) Tamdgidi, Binghamton University

1—From Anti-man to Anti-patriarchy
Emily Margulies, SUNY College at Oneonta

9—Conspicuous Conflict
L. M. Damian, SUNY College at Oneonta

20—Repairing the Soul: Matching Inner with Outer Beauty
Kristy Canfield, SUNY College at Oneonta

27—Defying the Sweatshop, Sociologically Speaking
Steve Sacco, SUNY College at Oneonta

37—Struggles and Predicaments of Low-Income Families and Children
Jennifer VanFleet, SUNY College at Oneonta

47—Honor Thy Father and Mother
Nancy Chapin, SUNY College at Oneonta

55—My Translucent Father
Katie J. Dubaj, SUNY College at Oneonta

62—Mom and Dad’s Waltz: A Dance of Love and Sacrifice
Rena Dangerfield, Binghamton University

67—Selected Poems & Commentary
Festus Ngaruka, Binghamton University

101—Religion, Utopia, and Ideology: Reflections on the Problems of Spiritual Renaissance and Social Reconstruction in the Sociology of Karl Mannheim
Donald A. Nielsen, SUNY College at Oneonta

109—The Dialectics of World-History: A Guiding Thread
M.H. (Behrooz) Tamdgidi, Binghamton University

135—Notes on Contributors

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