Students’ Critical Theories in Applied Settings
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This Fall 2003/Spring 2004 (II, 2) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge includes a collection of student essays exploring their lives in an, applied, sociological imagination framework.

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Students’ Critical Theories in Applied Settings
Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge
Volume II • Issue 2 • Fall 2003/Spring 2004
Journal Editor:
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, UMass Boston
This Fall 2003/Spring 2004 (II, 2) issue of Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge includes a collection of student essays exploring their lives in an, applied, sociological imagination framework. Topics are: “A Welcoming Statement to the Editorial Advisory Board,” “The Complexity of Naive Acceptance of Socially Manipulated Beliefs,” “Alice in the Gendered Sports-Fan Wonderland: A Sociological Inquiry,” “Will I Marry Her?,” “The Effect of Immigrant Experiences on the Bifurcation of Women’s Consciousness,” “Who are “I”cscart_ A Sociology of My Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Selves,” “My Life’s Tapestry: Casting Theoretical Lights on the Social Threads That Tie Me Down,” “From Alienation to Exploration: Breaking Free from the Iron Cages of My Life,” “Body Image: A Clouded Reality,” “Obsessed with Impression Management: A Critical Sociology of Body Image in Capitalist Society,” “The Roots of Procrastination: A Sociological Inquiry into Why I Wait Until Tomorrow,” “Honesty, Trust, and Love—In That Order: A Sociology of My Emotional Kaleidoscope,” “Questioning Motherhood: A Sociological Awakening,” “Durkheim, Mead, and Heroin Addiction,” “Anomie or Alienationcscart_ A Self-Exploration of the Roots of Substance Ab/use,” “Just Live: The Trick Is, You Have A Choice,” ““Asian”: Just A Simple Word,” “Defining the Other,” “De/Reconstructing Utopianism: Towards a World-Historical Typology.” Contributors include: Ayan Ahmed, Elizabeth J. Schumacher, Chris DaPonte, Guadalupe Paz, Marie Neuner, D. M. Rafferty, Annie Roper, M. D., Michelle B. Jacobs, Jennifer M. Kosmas, Lynne K. Marlette, Keilah Billings, Nancy O’Keefe Dyer, Buddi Osco, Savvas Fetfatsidis, Kuong C. Ly, Jorge Capetillo-Ponce, and Mohammad H. Tamdgidi (also as journal editor-in-chief). Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge is a publication of OKCIR: The Omar Khayyam Center for Integrative Research in Utopia, Mysticism, and Science (Utopystics). For more information about OKCIR and other issues in its journal’s Edited Collection as well as Monograph and Translation series visit OKCIR’s homepage.
The various editions of this issue of Students’ Critical Theories in Applied Settings are also available for ordering from all major online bookstores worldwide (such as Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and others).
vii—“Editor’s Note: A Welcoming Statement to the Editorial Advisory Board”
M.H. (Behrooz) Tamdgidi, University of Massachusetts Boston
1—The Complexity of Naive Acceptance of Socially Manipulated Beliefs
Ayan Ahmed, University of Massachusetts Boston
10—Alice in the Gendered Sports-Fan Wonderland: A Sociological Inquiry
Elizabeth J. Schumacher, University of Massachusetts Boston
18—Will I Marry Her?
Chris DaPonte, University of Massachusetts Boston
25—The Effect of Immigrant Experiences on the Bifurcation of Women’s Consciousness
Guadalupe Paz, University of Massachusetts Boston
33—Who are “I”?: A Sociology of My Traditional, Modern and Postmodern Selves
Marie Neuner, University of Massachusetts Boston
41—My Life’s Tapestry: Casting Theoretical Lights on the Social Threads That Tie Me Down
D. M. Rafferty, University of Massachusetts Boston
48—From Alienation to Exploration: Breaking Free from the Iron Cages of My Life
Annie Roper, University of Massachusetts Boston
58—Body Image: A Clouded Reality
M. D., University of Massachusetts Boston
66—Obsessed with Impression Management: A Critical Sociology of Body Image in Capitalist Society
Michelle B. Jacobs, University of Massachusetts Boston
74—The Roots of Procrastination: A Sociological Inquiry into Why I Wait Until Tomorrow
Jennifer M. Kosmas, University of Massachusetts Boston
82—Honesty, Trust, and Love—In That Order: A Sociology of My Emotional Kaleidoscope
Lynne K. Marlette, University of Massachusetts Boston
91—Questioning Motherhood: A Sociological Awakening
Keilah Billings, University of Massachusetts Boston
99—Durkheim, Mead, and Heroin Addiction
Nancy O’Keefe Dyer, University of Massachusetts Boston
105—Anomie or Alienation?: A Self-Exploration of the Roots of Substance Ab/use
Buddi Osco, University of Massachusetts Boston
109—Just Live: The Trick Is, You Have A Choice
Savvas Fetfatsidis, University of Massachusetts Boston
116—“Asian”: Just A Simple Word
Kuong C. Ly, University of Massachusetts Boston
122—Defining the Other
Jorge Capetillo-Ponce, University of Massachusetts Boston
125—De/Reconstructing Utopianism: Towards a World-Historical Typology
M.H. (Behrooz) Tamdgidi, University of Massachusetts Boston